Monday, May 28, 2012

Skinny Sweets in SMX

To begin, I'd like to thank my team of ever so supportive friends who stood by my side, day in and day out, all throughout this entire endeavor! I couldn't have done it (as happily) without you guys to help pass the time! So Mack, Jandi, and Kalvin, whom will henceforth be known as the Skinny Sweets Afternoon Crew, thank you!

I'd also like to extend a big thank you to my friends who ventured all the way to SMX just to support and try out our newest products! Kyra, Mykee, Gio, and Kristine, thank you! I'm glad you guys enjoyed the sweets :D

Thank you to my family who came to show their support, and a big hug to my business partner, Raleene, and Gigi for working as hard as I did on this! We did it! (= After our mad dash and scramble days before the actual bazaar, I'm so happy we had the chance to put Skinny Sweets out there on an ever bigger map.

We have another bazaar coming up on June 2 so please stay tuned for further details! Also, we're expanding to very new waters soon and I hope everyone will be just as supportive, if not even more so. Again, thank you everyone!